1.Clogged Or Blocked Outlet Pipes
This kind of issue we generally found while inspecting a new property. The construction debris/waste is the main reason for clogged/blocked drainpipe of pre-possession houses. In older apartment/house outlet pipe is clogged/blocked due to hair, grease, soap residues and other debris. Clogged/blocked pipe increases the internal water pressure in the plumbing system, and this can cause small cracking or even pipe bursting. Small crack in concealed outlet pipe/drain may cause water seepage on the nearby wall, and even mould can develop. Seepage also invites other terminates and other insects in your house. If concealed outlet/drain pipe is burst due to clogged/blocked, it may cause leakage/seepage in the room below the bathroom. Blocked outlet pipe may lead to unmoving water and bad odor in your apartment/house. By doing pre-possession or post-possession snagging from India’s first home inspection startup PropCheckup.com, you can avoid a severe problem in your new apartment due to a clogged or blocked pipe
2.Leakage In Concealed Pipeline
During the home inspection of old apartment or house, the leaky pipe is common issues found by our home inspection team. Our home inspector also observed leakage in the concealed pipeline in a new apartment or house using the thermal camera. Leaky pipes in the kitchen or bathroom can stained wall in your apartment or house. Even small leakage in the pipe can cause serious issues like the development of mold. A lot of scientific studies already prove that mold can also cause health problems to persons leaving in that apartment or house. Due to leakage in the pipe can cause water seepage from behind the wall and cause cosmetic damage to your apartment or house. Pipe leakage cause dampness in the wall and that may cause peeling of paint or wallpaper. Also, it causes damage to surfaces such as delaminating plywood, decay in the door frame, etc. To locate leakage in the pipe, you must be required the help of a professional home inspection team before you take possession of your apartment or house. Home inspection experts will thoroughly check for any inadequate and damaged pipe while inspection to save your apartment or house from wreak havoc.
3.Leakage and damage in Faucets or Taps
Our home inspection team generally found at least two or more issues about leaky faucets or taps. Leakage in taps or faucets appear to be minor problems but can be hazardous to you and your family members. Leakage from faucets or taps can lead to mould growth on your walls, floors, etc. in your apartment or house. Mould can cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions to persons living in an apartment or house. Unnoticed leakage may cause damage to the structure due to leaky faucet or taps. Leakage in faucet or tap may make an annoying sound. Leaky or damaged faucet or tap may start to malfunctioning and over time stop functioning. Due to leakage in the sink faucet or tap can damage the joint between sink and platform, it may allow germs to grow in the open joint. The PropCheckup home inspection team will note any leakage or damage to faucet or tap, so you can notify to developer or seller before taking possession of your apartment or house.
4.Issues in Plumbing Fixtures and Fittings
- Our home inspector found damage W.C., non-working geyser, clogged washbasin bottle trap, etc. during the inspection of old or new apartments or houses. Leakage in W.C. can cause discomfort and even may spread infectious diseases. W.C leaks when flushing may allow cholera, diphtheria, etc. like dieses to spread. Continues water leak from the flush valve or tank creates a visible stain on W.C. Unnoticed leakage in the shower may damage the ceiling of below flat. A small unnoticed crack in washbasin may damage the washbasin beyond the use. By doing pre-possession inspection of your apartment or house, you can get the details about any damages to fittings and fixtures in proper report format. With Proper reporting, you can ask the developer or seller to replace or repair the damaged fittings and fixtures before possession to avoid further issues.
5.High or Low water pressure
In a new high-rise building propcheckup team found the high or low water pressure in the plumbing fixtures and fittings. Propcheckup team uses a water pressure meter to determine the water pressure in a particular plumbing fixture. High water pressure in the pipeline can cause pipes to bump against the wall, and this may lead to leakage or even pipe can burst. Faucets or taps have small parts like washers, faucet level, aerator, spindle, etc. can damage easily under constant high-water pressure. Constant high-water pressure can damage internal parts of your application like washing machine, water purifiers, etc. Due to low water pressure, it may cause a malfunction in the application like a geyser, washing machine, water purifier, etc. Low water pressure may reduce the water flow from your shower and jet spray.